Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick Or Treat

Our small town here in Southwest Oregon we have learned that trick-or-treating is a bit different than anywhere else that we have lived!  Around 4 o'clock the festivities begin downtown and nearly all of the businesses encourage the children to go door to door in the business district where they lovingly hand out candy right off the sidewalk!  So, we walked one street, two and a half blocks both sides of the road and made a "nice haul" of candies in about a half hour!  The kids had been looking forward to doing this ALL year, as we had gone last year and it was fun.  Of course, last year, we didn't know the town very well so, we walked a LOT further to visit all of the businesses - but that took much closer to an hour and a half or more.  This year, we had more fun to get to, so we needed to hurry along!!

Bud as a Fierce Pirate
Branch as a Rodeo Queen
Blossom as a Cheerleader

So, now the rushing around for costume changing... stay tuned for the next post!

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Thanks for jumping in and leaving your thoughts!!

I sure like to know who enjoys playing around the treehouse!