Monday, Oct 5, 2009...
Outside my window... I can see the sun's rays trying to push their way through the low hanging clouds over the mountain. It is currently 41 degrees out, but should warm up to a "balmy" 63 later today. I think that later this week when it is in the mid 70's we'll all be happy about the sunshine and warmth returning!
I am thinking... I am glad that Pops put up some lattice boards under our deck so that whatever might have been making a home in our backyard under the deck might be unable to live there, now.
I am thankful for... A helpful and loving husband. I just wish that he would want to warm up my hands when I crawl into bed at night!!! He is so jumpy! I thought he liked the cold weather, hmmmmmm...
From the learning rooms... Week 8 of our lesson plans. For science we'll be talking about the five senses... in particular - taste and smell. Perfect! We'll taste something yummy that smells good baking in the oven!!! Blossom's books did NOT arrive last week and I am bummed. I am starting with her anyway, as they are scheduled to arrive tomorrow and I can do some things without them. I have decided to do a program called "Along the Alphabet Path" where we work on one letter each week and things that are associated with that letter. This week is "A" week... apples (yes! pie!!!), airplanes, angels, St. Anne, etc... Blossom is excited to have a plan and so am I!!
From the kitchen... This week we'll be making Apple Pie, Airplane Sugar Cookies, Applesauce, any other "A" ideas to share? I have some asparagus for our supper tonight... MEATLOAF! We are excited for this family favorite!
I am wearing... Jeans (one of two pairs of pants that are long enough... why do the maternity designers think that just because you're pregnant you have short legs??), a new shirt from the Motherhood Maternity Outlet - it is a teal/green color and a v-neck created by a criss-cross design in front, super soft, fuzzy, thick, gray socks, hair is twisted up in a clip, my beautiful dainty amber necklace that my folks brought back for me from Poland and my wedding ring with the new additions from our 10th anniversary celebration (see picture thought below) - original wedding set was the wide band, center narrow band and center emerald-cut diamond, the additions include the narrow band on the "top" and the channel set princess-cut diamonds running alongside the center stone.
I am creating... Lists. One for Christmas gift giving, one for getting ready for a new baby in our family, one for things to make and do... I have many lists to create and complete!
I am going... To have to go BACK to the "bigger town" this week. I went on Friday with the main intention of sending a box off via UPS. Because I didn't want to have that be the only thing that I did in town (30 minutes or so away), I created a list of several other errands that I could do while there. In all that mess... I left the box for UPS on the floor in my kitchen. Now, I have to go back to take my box! Grrr... pregnancy mush brain.
I am reading... Not much. Baby names, alphabet books, patterns, blogs.
I am hoping... To find order and calm in my home this week. Then, I am hoping to figure out a way to keep it and impress upon the treekids how and why I want it to STAY that way. I am tired of finding the remnants of a tornado in every room that I am not currently supervising. Any suggestions?
I am hearing... Dora the Explorer CD serenading my children. Why must it be so loud? They aren't even teenagers and I am forever saying turn that noise down! It is kind of cute when they dance and sing along, but when it is just blaring while they read a book? How can they think?? I can't!!
Around the house... Little fires smoldering in every room. I need to put them all out before they turn into the full fledged burn going on in our loft/school room... CHILDREN!!@@!??!!!
I am hoping... To find order and calm in my home this week. Then, I am hoping to figure out a way to keep it and impress upon the treekids how and why I want it to STAY that way. I am tired of finding the remnants of a tornado in every room that I am not currently supervising. Any suggestions?
I am hearing... Dora the Explorer CD serenading my children. Why must it be so loud? They aren't even teenagers and I am forever saying turn that noise down! It is kind of cute when they dance and sing along, but when it is just blaring while they read a book? How can they think?? I can't!!
Around the house... Little fires smoldering in every room. I need to put them all out before they turn into the full fledged burn going on in our loft/school room... CHILDREN!!@@!??!!!
One of my favorite things... reading comments posted here on my blog. Sometimes I know the people and sometimes I don't... either way - I LOVE reading comments!!!
A few plans for the rest of the week... Stay home (except to drop that package off!) and get things accomplished!!! I am sure that there are things that I need to do and places that I need to go this week, but my calendar is downstairs in the laundry room and I am upstairs. I think I am gonna assume that I am not doing much this week!
Here is picture thought I am sharing...

To read more daybooks, head over to Peggy's.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
Seeing my ring enlarged so much... a cleaning and polishing is in order!!

What a beautiful and interesting ring!
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of metal is it?
I enjoyed your bookpost. I think your lucky you didn't have to buy maternity clothes back when I had kids (my youngest is 23) talk about bad....haha.. tornado rooms and kids go together.. I too love to read comments for some reason. I have really enjoyed reading so many different people's thoughts on the same thing. The ring is beautiful. Have a great week. Blessings to you, Debbie
ReplyDeleteYup. Looks like a 4 carrot diamond to me. ;)
Angela - The bands are 14K yellow gold and the center stone mounting and channel set bars are 14K white gold. I wear mostly silver jewelry these days and so, wanted to add the white gold so it would be more two-toned and therefore "go" better! I worked with the jeweler when I was in college in Nebraska and knew that things could be added even if it wasn't a "normal" or standard setting... you can make a piece of jewelry look however you like - within reason and IF you have a big enough pocket book. This wasn't a HUGE pocketbook custom thing... Pricey, I'm sure Pops would tell you, but in the range of custom work - not so far out there!!! And, boy did I see some pricey custom work in my day!! WOW!