Saturday, January 24, 2009

We have a winner!

If blogosphere friends were flowers...
we'd pick you all and put you in this pretty vase!
Branch did the honors and chose this orange stemmed beauty!
She loves me. She loves me not. Take it apart to discover the winner's name.
Congratulations, Lisa!
And to avoid the confusion of 2 Lisa's... I labeled one flower "Aunt Lisa" (who is MY aunt) the other flower was "Lisa" (the kids' aunt!).  So, Lisa who likes the polar bears and had these funny things to say...
Is the winner!  Look for a vanilla scented gift in the mail soon! And since you asked, maybe there will be some black olives in the box for all those boys you have to live with!!


  1. hmmm, haven't checked in for a few days and missed all the fun!! Too bad for me, I guess. Hey, next time shoot me a heads up email when you do something "fun!"

  2. YEAH!!! I finally figure out how to leave a comment AND I win your contest. Can't beat them apples! Them the kids I LOVE the flowers! They are so beautiful. ;-) ~Lisa


Thanks for jumping in and leaving your thoughts!!

I sure like to know who enjoys playing around the treehouse!