Thursday, February 18, 2010

Princess Weekly

Geemah says that someone is getting an abundance of photos on here more than the other monkeys who swing around in my tree... But, I figure - he is the one who is growing and changing the fastest right now! I don't want to forget a lick of it all!

But, in order to be "fair" I will post pictures that I have been meaning to share of the second most posted kid as of lately!!

Here is Blossom in her new dress up dress from Geemah that she sewed for a Christmas gift! (And the Ariel Barbie doll from Aunt JoJo!)


Blossom told Geemah that for Christmas she wanted an Ariel dress. The pink one. Did you know that it is nearly impossible to purchase one of those?!?!!


So, we sent a few pictures through email of Ariel's pink dress. I think that there is a little girl in this world who was thoroughly delighted, don't you!!


You might have also noticed over the last couple posts that little Blossom got a hair cut! She does not like to have anyone fuss with her hair. She does not want it combed or brushed and really wanted it to stop tickling her neck and being in her eyes. I did trim some bangs for her - but she even pushes those out of her face! She is really thinking that she might like her hair cut real short like last year's pixie. We are considering it, but her hair takes sooo long to grow that it is a hard request to agree to!!


Oh, that little princess... she knows what she likes!! (and is she ever high maintenance or what!?!!!!)


  1. I want one! I wish I had a Geemah to make such pretties for me!!!

  2. How fantastic!!!! What an awesome Geemah! Beautiful princess!!

  3. Hard to imagine what her wedding dress will look like... I'm sure Geemah will come up with something!


Thanks for jumping in and leaving your thoughts!!

I sure like to know who enjoys playing around the treehouse!