Friday, November 14, 2008

An AWESOME Friday!

Imagine this, my afternoon and evening vantage point.
Waves... Large waves, LOUD waves, Soothing waves. Hitting the shore.
Sea Gulls... Chirping, Trilling, Soaring overhead. Trolling for crabs, fish and handouts from humans.
Fog... Light, Misty, Hovering in the distance. Obstructing our view of the cape.
Sun... Warm, Shining, Lowering toward the horizon. Drowning in the ocean.
Children... Mine, Running, Exploring, Climbing upon the driftwood on the shore. Searching for rocks and shells.
Peace away from home for a day or so... an overnight get-a-way with the family.

More and better pictures later! I'm off to explore, too!


Thanks for jumping in and leaving your thoughts!!

I sure like to know who enjoys playing around the treehouse!