Tuesday, February 14, 2012

There's Snow Business Like Snow Business!!

Sunday night we were "bracing for snow" here in central Oklahoma. We told the treekids, "tomorrow just might be a SNOW DAY!" They wanted to know what a snow day is. So, Pops informed them that a snow day is a day where there is a lot of snow outside so we have to do school inside and play in the snow outside!! I LOVE HOMESCHOOLing!!!

Monday we woke up to 3 inches of snow!! So, we had a snow day! Pops and the treekids played out in the snow for a couple hours. I lazed around and made hot cocoa and then went outside with the camera to get a few pictures before the fun ended.
Since snow play hasn't been in our winter too often as of late, we really have a pieced together look for snow gear! We haven't kept everything that the bigger kids have grown out of... but there was enough stuff to go around... even if it didn't fit perfectly!
Bump woke in the weeeeee hours of the morning and was standing at the window and could see the snow everywhere with the spotlight on the yard. He was sooo excited and said, "It's NO! It's NO!!" THen he climbed up in our bed and fell fast asleep in the middle all toasty and warm.
Pops didn't want him to miss the fun and woke him and dressed him while he was half asleep so that he could get in on the fun before it all melted and/or the bigger treekids tramped it all or rolled it into big snowballs! I, however, took the opportunity to sleep in an extra twenty minutes - I was not needing the thrill of the cold!
All the treekids had a blast! Looks like Pops had NO fun at all.
Bump started a sneak attack.
Wearing a red coat doesn't lead itself to being too sneaky, but Pops was taken off guard by the cuteness factor.
Down to the ground he went... all the way down!
The attack continued with help from big sister, Branch!
Looks like he never had a chance!!
Unfortunately, my camera's battery died and I had to take the camera back inside. I wish I would have brought my little flip video camera outside with me when I went back out... with the little puppy!!! OH - THAT was a funny funny funny sight! Itty Bitty's legs are not much longer than 4 inches, so that means her belly was dragging in the snow a bit!! BUT, she did her best running and chasing and bouncing along chasing the treekids as they ran through the wet snow. She sort of looked a bit more like a bunny rabbit than a mushing dog!!!

Happy winter to Oklahoma!!


  1. Love all those rosy cheeks! :) Looks like fun was had by all! They could have built a whole family of snowmen here; we had over 20 inches of lake-effect snow on Saturday! Then woke up to a couple more today! Wish I could have seen that itty bitty pup playing in the snow! :)
    Aunt S.

  2. You need 16" of snow like here in Nebraska you wimps!!! Love Grandpa in NE.


Thanks for jumping in and leaving your thoughts!!

I sure like to know who enjoys playing around the treehouse!