Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A 600 Welcome!?!

Blogger tells me that I am writing my 600th post! That is some kind of crazy. So, on my 600th post, I am officially welcoming myself back to the blog-o-sphere AND welcoming you into my neighborhood! We moved back to eastern Nebraska at the first of the year and have been settling in and  enjoying the space to spread out and have fun!

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We bought this little ranch house and the treekids were over the moon. There is more than plenty of space to be alone, hide in a closet, find a reading nook, play a game, and run wild through the yard.

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We are enjoying the welcoming landscaping - even if we are not sure how to care for it all - or even what it all is!! That bush in the front on the right with the light pink flowers... Pops "trimmed" it down this spring all the way down to the ground (as was recommended to us by a very knowledgable horticulturist) and before we knew it we had this large bush that is creeping out onto the sidewalk blooming with these tropical looking flowers. They don't last very long - only a couple days before they shrivel up and are ugly.

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The larger shrub behind the flowering one, is seemingly partly out of control! If we sit on the front porch, you cannot see over the top of that bush any longer! It is even into the view from inside through the window! So, that bush will get a major trim up this fall. And strangely, there are some very short evergreen shrubs behind all of that landscaping in front of the porch - that can't be seen!! So, we're thinking about digging them up and replanting them elsewhere on the property. I happen to LOVE the bush that is on the left side of the house - over by the air conditioner. It is a Lilac Bush!! It smelled so good this spring!

Anyway, WELCOME to my new home! We are enjoying it and are definitely feeling at home!

Here is a short video where I am standing in front of our home on the road and turning in a full circle to get a look at the neighborhood. We are one of only 4 houses on our road - although, there are MANY lots for sale to come and be my neighbor!!

I'll spend some time over the next several posts showing more of our home - inside and out. I'm thinking we'll go in formally... and use the front door (even though backdoor friends are best, right?!?).

Happy 600th post... presents and give-aways are always fun!

So, in honor of my "little house on the prairie" welcome, I am giving away one copy of this book:

  • Leave a comment here on my blog, say hello and register yourself to be put in a drawing for this book
  • Link to my 600th Post Give-away in your own blog post for an extra entry (leave another comment to let me know!)
I will draw the winner sometime next week... 


  1. welcome (back) to the frontier. I have missed you and your kiddos. Congratulations on the house and sapling (:P).

    1. Thanks!! I sort of wondered if there was anyone out there besides my mother and dear aunt who noticed my blogging neglect!! It has taken me some time to re-settle into all various things and then... the tiredness of growing a new "sapling" as you say! That's cute... and I'm gonna steal it - so, thanks!!! ;)

    2. You are welcome. :D
      Is your address still the one listed on the side bar (South Dakota)...I could send a post card from MT (anything in particular).

    3. She would love another postcard!! It has been fun - but challenging with some of these states!!! The address currently listed on the sidebar is our mail forwarding service and they still collect and send mail to us, so that will work great!! She loves horses - but also the snow peaked mountains!!! But, any kind of postcard is just great!!

  2. 600th post!!! Congrats and glad to see you posting again. Like the sapling too.

    1. Yes, yes... I am here! Glad you stopped in, too!! :p xo

  3. Hey you have TWO aunts that have missed your blogging! So glad to see pictures of your house - now I can picture you there! Aunt Lisa :o)

    1. Yes, there are 2 aunts... one regularly left me comment love - just sayin'... But, we'd be happy to host you and your brood... you could even hook up your rv in nearly my backyard if you'd prefer!!! {{hugs}} to you xoxo

  4. Lovely home! I bet the tree-kids are loving all the wide open spaces! And it looks like you are close to a lake too. I am looking forward to seeing pictures of the inside. I think the flowering plant you described might be a hibiscus. I am not sure, but you can check with your mom who I hear has become quite the flower gardener, so she will probably be able to help identify your plants. Congrats on the 600th post! I always look forward to reading your blog! Hope you & your sapling (that is cute!) are doing well. :o) Aunt S.

    1. Thanks! We do love our new home! And yes... the space is being loved by the treekids to say the least. It is fun to have a bit of roaming space!! Yes, we have a lake practically in our backyard. Pops and the kids like to go down and fish. I like to hang back and breathe - alone. ;) I think hibiscus sounds right - ( ) I searched hibiscus online and found this pic and it looks a lot like our flowers. It is lovely - and apparently it is very low-maintenance... chop it to the ground and a lovely flowering bush will appear!! Spectacular - my kind of gardening!! Always love hearing from you!!! -elm

  5. Yay!! 600 posts!! I loved seeing pictures of your home and can't wait to see more - hopefully someday we can come visit! My little guy is still asking when that will be! :)


Thanks for jumping in and leaving your thoughts!!

I sure like to know who enjoys playing around the treehouse!