Thursday, August 4, 2011

~25% Off Retail for New/Used Curriculum!!

Jessica is hosting a blog hop over at Shower of Roses... A Curriculum Sale that is! Who would believe that in this 41 ft long trailer I could find anything to sell for Curriculum or Books to join in!?! Well, I made some purchases before we began this journey and I now believe that they are just not what is best for our family right now! We are hoping to help some other families out who like the CHC Curriculum items. SOOO, My blunder is your steal! I have marked these new books approximately 25% off of the retail price plus I will ship them to your doorstep at no additional cost!

If something interests you - let me know! You can leave a comment or send me an email at afamilytreehouse {at} me {dot} com. I am open to negotiating the prices.

This is ALL that is left...

CHC Lesson Plans:

1st Grade - in a 3-ring binder (2008 copyright) $32.95 $20
(check marks and notes on Week 1, Appendix 4: Character Building Cards gone)

CHC Religion:

Faith & Life 4 Activity Book $7.95 $6


  1. I am interested in My very first CAtholic Speller! Thanks! My email address is

  2. I'd love to buy the Tea & Cake with the Saints!! Our little "Twinkle Toes" is having a "Tea-Party" themed birthday this month (she is very disappointed that your girls are still so far away. . . ) and I had that on the little list of gifts I wanted to purchase for her!

  3. I think I'd also like the copy of Sewing With St. Anne. Maybe I could learn a little more, along with my girls! ;) Miss you!!!! Talk to you soon!

  4. I would like the Catholic Geography Bee books and the Map Skills book C. My email is Thanks


Thanks for jumping in and leaving your thoughts!!

I sure like to know who enjoys playing around the treehouse!