Monday, January 30, 2012

Being Replaced.

The other evening, I was sitting on the couch and realized I hadn't seen the dog for quite some time. The kids were all in bed and Pops hadn't gotten home from his meeting. I was kind of puzzled, because my dog always seems to be a heat seeker and wants to sit right by my feet, tucked in a ball right next to me, or right on top of my lap (she thinks that all 65 pounds of her is a lap dog ... it was easier when she was so active that she never could hang onto a pound, but that is not the case any longer!), especially in the later evening hours.

Since I was concerned that she was "stuck" somewhere since she cannot see to find her way around the house very well, I set out on my search...


It didn't take long to discover that I had been replaced!


It is apparent that the bed share was mutually agreed upon. SOMEONE had to lift the covers to let the OTHER something get underneath them. It was a cold evening... I bet they were both happy for a little extra warmth. And it warms my heart to see that Branch cares about this old dog!


Thanks for jumping in and leaving your thoughts!!

I sure like to know who enjoys playing around the treehouse!