Monday, September 28, 2009

My Daybook, Entry #2

The Simple Woman's Daybook

Monday, Sept 28, 2009...

Outside my window... Overcast and Smoky. There is a big forest fire around here somewhere... The smoke is wafting our way. However, more fun than what is out my WINDOW is what was out my front door this morning! Six steps outside the front door on the lawn was that mama deer and her two babies that visited us last week! They must come around often as Pops has seen some tracks and scat... ick, I know. I think the kids will reconsider rolling around in the grass, now.

I am thinking... That there is no good reason to have dust. Let's just BAN dust from our homes and see if it will stay away when it reads the sign. You know... kind of like a "No Solicitors" sign, only it will say, "NO DUST, THANK YOU." I'll keep you posted, but don't get your hopes up.

I am thankful for... Antacids. This might be quite the hairy little babe!! In fact, I had a dream a few weeks ago that our baby was born with lots and lots of (dark) hair. That was shocking dream to me, as I have babies with nearly bald heads - peach fuzz is all they seem to get! My "baby" in the dream had a head full of hair like Amy's (my very dear friend in Nebraska) second baby had when she was born. I had never seen so much hair on a baby! I was so jealous! Here I had a four month old bald/peach fuzzy Branch with head wraps or hats and she had a couple week old baby who NEEDED barrettes!! :)

From the learning rooms... Week 7 of our lesson plans. Bud and Branch are doing well and enjoying learning some new things. This week some books should be arriving so that I can get organized to have more structure and guidance for a preschool program for my little Blossom. I'll tell you more about it as we go along... I have a lot to plan!

From the kitchen... Pops is planning to make a big pot of chili... I think that calls for a pan of cinnamon rolls! We also have some work to do. Pops bought a whole-in-bag NY Strip and we will cut the steaks to size, vacuum seal and freeze. Mmmmmm... steak.

I am wearing... Pajamas, still. I was overseeing baths this morning. When I went to hop into my own shower... Bud was just finishing getting a haircut from Pops in my bathroom and needed to hop in to shower off all those little hairs. I'M NEXT. I insist!! Then, I will put on a plum long sleeved t-shirt and a calf-length denim skirt. I think I will dig out a fluffy pair of socks, too. (It is nearly 11 am and it is only 59 degrees!)

I am creating... Oh, my... I was up late last night. I made a goofy little ditty for my hubby. I have to get one more little item to finish it off and will take pictures after that. It deserves its own post! Otherwise, still working on that diaper bag and maternity skirt.

I am going... To love my kids with extra hugs and kisses today and all week. Sometimes we forget that they need all that lovin' and we move from one task to the next. This week... is gonna be full of love!

I am reading... About week 30 for pregnancy. This babe should be about 16 inches long and weigh around 3 pounds by now. WOW... we must be getting closer! The treekids love to hear about the baby's size and what it might be doing right now!

I am hoping...To stay "on top" of Mt Washmore all week. If I do, then this weekend I won't have to start a big mountain again!!!

I am hearing... My girls being silly as they draw in their tablets. I also hear Branch telling Blossom how to write some letters in cursive! I also hear Bud humming away in his room with the sounds of leggos in a bucket. What? Wait... what was that other sound... OH, grrrrrrr. That was the sound of the shower door in my bathroom. I was next. I WAS NEXT! Oh, well... Pops is fast.

Around the house... Talked to a neighbor. They spotted raccoons making the same mess in their yard as we have in our yard. Pops has spread poison to kill the insects and grubs that they appear to be after in tearing up our sod. If this doesn't work... traps. They will NOT just quit until the bugs are gone, so we may have to remove them instead. Pops was thinking live traps and taking them up to some remote mountain location. I think that is far to kind. I believe execution is called for. He said, "Oh, what did they ever do to you?" I said, "DID YOU SEE THE YARD? First, they did that. Then there is the issue of the little critter that may have been bumped off by the said nocturnal beast. Finally, due to this mess, I do not like to go back there, nor will I allow the kids or the dog in the backyard. This has been going on for at least a week. SO, what have they done to me? Disrupted my life among the other things." It doesn't have to be a torturous execution. It can be fast and pain-free. But, they must be "taken care of."

One of my favorite things... Watching the flicks and kicks on my belly. It is even more fun to watch Blossom get her hand kicked. OH, the surprise on her face!!

A few plans for the rest of the week... Visit my midwife on Thursday for a regular appointment. Work through our school work. Get ready for preschool in earnest. Turn on my sewing machine to complete projects that have been calling my name for more than a month.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...
Getting a package is so much fun! Thanks Grandpa A and Grandma D!
We are working on getting a few packages ready to be sent out here at our house, too!

To read more daybooks, head over to Peggy's.


  1. Nice blog...I visited today after posting my link to Peggy's. It's nice to travel without leaving the house. :-) Congrats on the upcoming blessing of another child! We just had our 7th on Wednesday.

    Blessings ~

  2. oooh, i cant wait to see what you are making for the man. and seriously, THIRTY weeks!!

  3. I just love reading your blog Erica! And the pictures - wow! Sure would be nice if everybody had a blog . . . . lol I look at your "baby counter" and can't believe that it is only 45 more days - down the last stretch! Another sweet baby in the family! Love you! "Aunt" Lisa


Thanks for jumping in and leaving your thoughts!!

I sure like to know who enjoys playing around the treehouse!