Monday, April 2, 2012

Springtime Lilacs

I love lilacs. Really, who doesn't?? Their cheery color, their fresh and fragrant bloom, the way they sway from side to side in the wind... spring happiness!
Lilac Bush Blooming - 1, Lovely lilac bush in full bloom. South of house, full sun.
I also love lilacs because to me, they ARE my mom. She has always loved a lilac. It seems when we would move to a new house we would at some time get her a new lilac bush for a mother's day gift and she said it must mean that it wouldn't be long before we moved!!
Lilac Bush Blooming - 2, Lovely lilac bush in full bloom. South of house, full sun.
Lilacs also make me think about my dad and a time when he must've been a romantic!! A long time ago, my mom told me about a spring day when my dad arrived home with a fist-full of lilacs. He had stopped and stripped several sprigs off of a road-side bush for her to have in a vase on the table.
Lilac Bush Blooming - 3, Lovely lilac bush in full bloom. South of house, full sun.
Isn't that JUST the best?? I think that most women would appreciate that gesture! You know, knowing that your beloved was thinking of you at some point in the day when you weren't actually standing there in front of their face is a great feeling! I'm sure that our men love us and think about us at random times during the day, but a small token - even (and sometimes especially) one that was of no monetary value - is a precious gift.
Lilac Bush Blooming - 5, Lovely lilac bush in full bloom. South of house, full sun.
Have you been blessed with a sweet springtime gift like a fist full of lilacs? I am so glad that I snapped these pictures last Thursday because with our 95+ degrees this weekend... all of these springtime beauties are gone until next year.


  1. Lovely flowers! Lovely post! I too love lilacs! Mine just really opened today as our temps reached 70.
    Hopefully, they will last a while as the next couple of days are supposed to be spring-time cool. Everything is blooming so early this year so we are having amazing floral displays to enjoy!
    Aunt S.

  2. Oh my goodness! I just posted about Lilacs. I love them too! :)


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