Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Craft Basket Wednesday: Hijacked


There are times that I find myself at my old hummer of a humdinger ... my hand-me-down from my mom, Kenmore sewing machine from the early 80s (or is this a late 70s model? I don't know!) ... repairing something or creating something fun and my kids are wanting to try, too. Well, I have this much newer Singer that I got fairly cheaply but have never loved as I can't quite figure out the tension in a way that I am comfortable - quickly! But, I get it out and let Bud & Branch (Blossom makes me WAY to nervous, still) play around a bit to see what they can do. I did try to give a "proper" lesson and all. But, in their impatience, they wanted to do it their way, so I gave the instructions of 1. Go Slow and 2. Keep your fingers away from all moving parts! So far those instructions have done them quite well.


But, my girl Branch now wants to create something "real." She doesn't just want to sew together a couple pieces of scraps and make it something in her imagination. So, I told her that a pillowcase (especially one for her baby doll) would be a great first project that she could mostly do all on her own. She was thrilled to be set free in the fabric closet! She hunted down her doll pillow to figure the sizing and cut her fabric and asked for help with the pinning. I helped to pin the fabric together and she was on her way!


I do not like all the frayed edges that are apparent so often in sewing when a serger is not available for use, so I prefer to use French seams and taught my girl about them for this project, which she liked because she got to sew around the case another time!


She was quite proud of herself... as she should be! I am sure that she will again hijack my machine and my time in her own quest to learn to sew... and I am just fine with that!!! Another shared interest, my girl and me... yipppeeeeeee!!!


Go visit Amy and see what/if she or anyone else is crafting these days!


  1. Hooray for Branch!!! Good Job! A new "sewer" in the family. Love, G.

  2. Don't know which is cuter, the seamstress or the pillow she sewed!
    On second thought, definitely the proud little seamstress! :0)

    Aunt S.


Thanks for jumping in and leaving your thoughts!!

I sure like to know who enjoys playing around the treehouse!