Monday, August 3, 2009


I considered and pondered and talked to the "guy" at the photo center, the "lady" at the art store, and the "gal" at the photography fair entry booth. I considered what you all suggested and here is what I decided regarding those six photos.

Sturdy Gertie - Class: Buildings & Structures
Galapagos Turtle - Class: Animals, Fish, Fowl or Reptiles
Blossom - Class: Portrait, people, family

But, I had the other ones printed. SO, I asked for help in where they could go and it was a resounding "USE THEM" from the above mentioned folks.

Mayan Ruins - Class: Interesting Object
Macaw - Class: Portrait, animal
Bud - Class: Individual Person

Whew! So, with all that... we will say that is checked off my list and I am on to announcing the "WINNER" of the photo.




Congrats, Angela! Bud was a teeny bit embarrassed to read your comment about him!! I say it is good for him! Strangely, I put all your suggestions into the "alternate" classes!!


  1. when do you find out if your pictures won?

  2. I didn't check blogs this weekend and am catching up today. The pictures are ALL awesome!! Can't wait to hear how they do at the fair!

  3. All winners according to my judging capabilities! Will be waiting to hear if those judges have similiar thoughts. You will have ribbons to go with trophies and buckles!!! Lots of competition in your family! Love, G.

    Congratulations, Angela!

  4. Wowee - me a winner?? Very cool!

    Let us know how you come out at the fair.


  5. Good luck Erica!! You are gonna kick butt!


Thanks for jumping in and leaving your thoughts!!

I sure like to know who enjoys playing around the treehouse!