Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Bumm Boom Boom Bumm Bumm Boom

Remember the other day when I wrote about Branch playing Tball and how I said something about how she pays attention and knows what is going on? I think that today I will share a bit of juxtaposition with you. 

Bud, while a great lover of the game of baseball, sometimes has the attention span of a hummingbird. Hmmm. What I am trying to say is that he can hit the ball far into the outfield. He runs fast from base to base. He can throw and catch the ball. He is a versatile ball player. But, there are times. There are moments when I REALLY wonder what is going on upstairs in that big ol' brain of his. 

Here, I'll let the pictures explain me better. Can any of you translate this behavior?

2nd game 3rd base

2nd game 3rd base

2nd game RF

2nd game RF

2nd game - RF

2nd game RF

2nd game - RF

2nd game RF

Uh, oh... I've been spotted!!

2nd game CF

2nd game center fielder

But, if you wait long enough (and by that, I mean somewhere in the vicinity of 2 or 3 minutes)... he'll be back to his old tricks!!

2nd game center fielder

2nd game CF

2nd game - center fielder

I guess he just dances to his own drum beat!!


  1. It seems to me that he is imagining some BIG plays and acting it out! Love, G.

  2. clearly looks like some dancing to me! love the beach shots below too.

  3. Oh, I know exactly what this is... he has lots of imagination! My second is just like this, but I've never captured it so perfectly in pictures. Keep this treasure! This is his personality in a nutshell. Is he a reader? I'm guessing yes....Kim

  4. Oh, yes... this child is a voracious reader and is always imagining something!!

    I do think that part of the fun pictures were truly just him dancing to some song stuck in his brain...

    Books and Music are his other "game." I felt so lucky to get these pictures of him playing around (although I do wonder what all the other parents were thinking about the goofy kid on the field)!!


Thanks for jumping in and leaving your thoughts!!

I sure like to know who enjoys playing around the treehouse!