Friday, May 15, 2009

All around player

Branch had her first tball game not long ago and it was an experience for ME! I didn't realize the "rules" would be as they were! There are two innings. All the kids bat once in each inning. They do not count strikes (the kids can swing at the ball on the "T" as many times as it takes to get it hit). They do not count outs. They do not keep score. One team might have 10 players and the other might have 16, but they all will be on the field or having a turn to bat EACH inning. Thank goodness it is TWO innings!

But, the main thing is that the kids have fun. I think that a lot of fun is happening when they are sitting in line waiting their turn to bat. They are talking and giggling and having fun. One month left of two tball games each week!!

Branch hit the ball on her first try, and she was off and running...
1st tball game - 1st at bat
and SAFE and happy to be on first base!!
1st tball game - first base first time
This little turkey was keeping an eye on me and seemed to always know when I was going to take her picture! I was beginning to wonder if I would get any "candid" shots other than her at bat!
Hey, I'm a cute 3rd base player!!
She was third base(wo)man and was on the ready! Finally... a candid!
1st tball game - 3rd basewoman
Her friend just went over to the batters box/circle to take a few practice swings... she seemed lost without her!!
Waiting for first at bat
But, then it was her turn again! And she smacked it hard and got to first again!
1st tball game - 2nd at bat

Branch's last fielding position was catcher. She didn't like it very much. She said that the helmet was too tight on her big noggin! So, she has requested playing other positions!
1st tball game catcher

I am so proud of Branch. She is one of the few kids who pays attention and knows what is happening and where the ball is at any given time. The coaches have told me that she does a great job of following directions and is so helpful. {SMILE. GRIN. Sigh.} I love my big girl, Branch!


  1. Way to go, Branch! Another good baseball player in training! You look cute in your uniform, too. Love, G.

  2. she is so adorable! we sure do miss her.
    great job branch

  3. This (almost) makes me wish we'd done softball this year. So I'll cheer for Branch instead. So send more pictures if you get a chance, so I can participate in softball this season without leaving my house. :) thanks! Kim


Thanks for jumping in and leaving your thoughts!!

I sure like to know who enjoys playing around the treehouse!