My, how time flies!! This "event" began over two weeks ago, and I am just NOW getting it all posted on this here internet.
On July 23, we picked up Pops' grandparents from the airport in Portland... the only big one around it seems! The had a safe flight and laughed at all the "new" flight rules as the last time they remember flying was in 1983!!! (I wasn't even ten years old, then, and couldn't even imagine a time where I would fly anywhere!!) So, we picked them up and made the "long haul" down to Southwest Oregon - I have to keep reminding myself that, while it feels long... 24 hours to Lincoln, NE is a much longer drive!
We weren't home very long when Bud wanted to play catch with Great-Grandpa! What a special treat... playing catch in your own front yard with your GREAT-Grandpa!!
I hope that our kids one day feel very blessed to have had this week to spend with their greats! Anyway, they were outside hitting and catching and having a great time!
Before bedtime, Great-Grandma and Blossom sat down to read a story together...
It must've been pretty funny... I haven't read that one, yet - it's from the library!
Not to be outdone, the big kids wanted some reading time, too! So, Great-Grandpa sat down to hear a few stories with Bud...
and then Branch! She surprised him with how well she was reading already and how FAST!
That was the end of relaxation! The next morning, we got up fairly early and headed to the Rogue River for a jet boat excursion. Grandma and Grandpa weren't too sure about riding the boat, but we convinced them it would be fun and they'd love it!
The boat speeds along fairly quickly, to impart that wind-blown look! There was plenty wildlife to see, history to learn and local lore to ponder.
We didn't warn them about getting sprayed, drenched, dizzy and the like... We let them learn that for themselves! And wouldn't you know, just as soon as you'd get all dry again, the brakes would "stick" and we'd be wet all over again, or there'd be a great wide open space on the river to turn a quick cookie, or maybe we'd pass by a group of rafters who were armed with massive water weapons - and they weren't afraid to use them! It was a fun time and even Grandma and Grandpa thought it turned out to be a fun time!! Grandma was sure glad that she hadn't gone to the beauty shop to get her hair all fixed up before she came out for a visit, though!!

The next day, I put Grandma to work! I wanted to learn how to make her rolls, kolaches, cinnamon knots and more... but we only had time for those three! We baked and baked and baked and boy, OH BOY, did it smell good and taste good in our house!!! In the evening, we headed out to a county fair to attend a 4-H and FFA livestock auction. It was different from the auctions in Nebraska only in the prices the animals brought! The Grand Champion Market Steer brought $15,900!!! That's a lot of money for ME, let alone a "kid"!!
The next day, Blossom and I stayed home from the festivities of traveling. She was in desperate need of a nap and a little down time, and I was exhausted and needed the same! The rest of the crew took a picnic lunch up to Diamond Lake.
After their picnic, they went to see Crater Lake.
It is hard to describe it and show just how amazing this is. Promise me that you will go visit! This sight is worth seeing a few times (at least once!) in one's lifetime.
Apparently, our sweet and delightful Branch also has an ornery streak! Maybe she should have stayed home for a nap, too!!
The last day for Grandma and Grandpa to spend in Oregon, Pops had to get them to their hotel in Portland for their super early (Read: be up at 4 am to catch their plane... we convinced them that it wasn't that early, since they were traveling back to the central time zone. It was really ONLY 6 am!!) flight the next morning. Since that is a long time in the car for one day (over 6 hours) only Bud accompanied Pops and the grandparents.
Instead of just cruising up the interstate, they headed out to the coast and drove up the coast highway for a while. There were several stops made to take a peek at the beautiful Oregon coast.
Wouldn't you believe their luck... They were just north of Florence when they stopped to have a peek over the edge of some cliffs.
There below, were a whole bunch of sea lions!! What a treat!!!!!!
It was so fun to have Pops' grandparents out for a visit! It was sad to see them go, as we were having so much fun. The kids were excited to have the company to visit and listen to them talk... and talk... and talk. Non-stop talking. Sorry about that to all our visitors, actually. It seems that we are not the subjects that they want to impart ALL of their knowledge onto - NO, they want everyone else to know what they know! After all the hugs and kisses, Grandpa gave each of our treekids a treat! I'll show you soon what they all did with their treat!! Oooooo suspense!